Saturday, 18 February 2012

The Shade House

Well it was more like a bush house. Lot's of plants, most of them really pot bound, or growing into the soil and bark chips underneath. But there were some great survivors, just in need of a repotting and some regular watering.

Lots of these Billbergia Nutans, great flowers in September. I've divided them up and now have them in hanging baskets and other pots.
With lots of new growth. I'm hoping they flower just as well with all this extra attention.
One main reason for cleaning up the shade house is that I had run out of pots. But there were so many with dead plants or just dirt in them, so I put the gloves on and got amongst it. Only one red back was discovered, I'm sure there were heaps more that I didn't see.

So after a wash, then a soak in a very diluted bleach solution I had 18 new pots! I also threw out another 10 or so that were broken. And found a large polystyrene box, very handy for growing cherry tomatoes in.

It's still looking a little shabby, but I'm happy with my efforts, especially some cuttings that have taken nicely. When the weather cools down a bit I will put them in larger pots on there own, ready to go into the front or back garden.

I've also been able to pot a few Hoya cuttings. The climber is quite overgrown, and when it's been on the ground for ages new roots form along the runners. So I can just snip either side of them and pot them up. I love the flowers of Hoyas, very wax like, they don't look real at all. Must add a photo when they flower!

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