She was asleep on the top of the showerscreen, a most unlikely place for a comfy snooze i would think, only about 6cm wide. It must have been the bathmat that made it so inviting.
Cinder likes to hang out in the Bathroom, she has an obsession with the towel cupboard, and tries to get in there whenever you open it.
She also likes to drink out of the bucket. I shower with a bucket to save some water and for some reason Cinder thinks that warm, slightly sudsy water is delicious.
If the bucket is empty, and Cindercat is thirsty, look out! She will madly paw at the glass shower door until you come and open it. Then she will lick the bottom of the shower, YUK!!!!!
Lucky I only use enjo products to clean with, and no chemicals.
I worry sometimes that she is diabetic, but she shows no other symptoms.
Hi Meg:
That is amusing!:) Cats will do the darnedest things!! I have a little one that will jump up on the sink when I'm shaving, and try to lick off my shaving cream! Maybe she thinks it's cream!:)
Hi Meg,
Found you via your comment on Future's blog.
What a cute cat! Mine likes to lick out the bottom of the shower too. I wonder if there is an explanation for this?
When I was younger my family and my aunt's family were neighbors, and we took care of some stray cats.
How old is Cindercat? I forget.
In older cats this sort of desperate thirst can be a sign that the kidney function is impaired. A simple blood test will tell and then it's easy to treat with a PH balanced diet.
btw you haven't blogged about your cindercat photo album yet.
Cinder is 5 years old, but she has always enjoyed drinking (hee hee, just like me!)
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