Sunday, 14 January 2007

What bird is that?

Just come back from my Sunday morning walk.

We walk along a local creek. Feels very unlike surburbia!

As I was waiting for D to turn up, I thought I'd prune the Cecile Brunner Rose, and look what I found.......................

A pidgeon flew out giving me a big fright, then I looked a little closer and saw the nest with 2 small eggs.

If only the little wrens would come back next door. There used to be a lot of them, before the fench was mended and the creepers pulled out.

So after showing D the nest we set off on our walk.

The creek is quite high and there seems to be more birdlife around.

We saw, and heard a pair of Kookaburras. Laughing merrily they were! I love them, and in 2 years of walking the creek we had never seen them before today.

There are also some ibis or cormarents(sp?) around lately, very magestic birds. The creek must be healthy to attract them.

Feeling very happy to live in a great part of Melbourne.

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